June 27, 2023

WTF are cryptocurrencies and NFTs?

We’ll cut to the chase: you might have heard that MintStars and other creator platforms use cryptocurrency and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), but what does this actually mean?

Cryptocurrency payments eliminate chargebacks and financial discrimination while keeping payments anonymous on your bank statement.

However, we make cryptocurrency simple - you can add funds to your wallet with a debit card, using one of our on-ramping tools. The cryptocurrency used MintStars on MintStars is USDC - a near 1:1 equivalent of the US dollar.

After topping up their wallets, fans can spend USDC on subscriptions, tips and content from the marketplace.

MintStars platform screenshot of the page where users can add funds to their wallet.
Adding Funds to your MintStars Wallet
MintStars platform screenshot showing the various payment methods to add funds to their wallet.
Payment Options for Wallet Topups

As a creator, you receive money to your wallet on MintStars, which you can withdraw directly to your bank account using the same process as adding funds.

MintStars platform screenshot of the page where users can withdraw funds.
Withdraw funds to an external wallet

So that’s crypto, how about NFTs?


Each time you upload content on MintStars, a copy is made and sent to your subscribers. This copy is an NFT, which means it can be resold by your subscribers to other fans, who weren’t subscribed when it was uploaded.

Each time this happens, you receive a % royalty that you can set.

MintStars platform screenshot of the page where users set price and royalty fee of an NFT.
Receive a royalty if your content is resold
MintStars platform screenshot of the page where users can upload NFT to marketplace.
Selling an NFT on the marketplace

NFTs simply allow the tracking and reselling of content, which means creators get paid for longer for their content, and allows fans to recoup their subscription cost by selling content they no longer want.

Diagram visualising the flow of money and tips on MintStars
Visual representation of the flow of money on Mintstars

Using cryptocurrency and NFTs, we’ve created a platform where creators earn more from their content, keep more of their earnings, and fans are rewarded for their support.

Register to join as a creator here

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